InsightOut! Booklet
Photo Story
Ethnic children in Burma affected by armed conflict have been separated from their family, displaced from home and uprooted from school.
From 2013-2015, InSIGHT OUT! organized workshops with ethnic Kachin youth displaced by war in northern Kachin and Shan states.
We held three workshops in Mina, Mai Ja Yang and Shwe Zet camps for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) -refugees in their own land.
The participants included youth who lost a family member to conflict or when parents migrated from the camp to China for economic survival.
The photos and stories by Kachin IDP children was exhibited at the Pansodan Scene Gallery in Yangon in January 2016.
Selected stories by participants were translated from Kachin into Burmese and English and published in a booklet.
The booklet was distributed for free Burmese who are not familiar with the conditions in ethnic areas could understand the situation facing
displaced youth, share their uncertainty of the present and hopes to return home in the future.
Download BOOKLET Kachin Workshop 2017 in PDF File
Download BOOKLET Kachin Workshop 2015 in PDF File
Photo and story by : Yaw San
Photo and story by : Maran Ji Ra And Kinraw Sut Ring Naw
Photo and story by : Marip Seng Nu And M Naw San
Photo and story by : Htu Htu Mai And Tang Bau Kaw Mai
Photo and story by : Lahpai Ja Seng Tawng And Zau Hkam
Photo and Story by : Htu Mai Marip and Daw Shi Gam
Photo and Story by : Daw Shi Gam And Tu Mai
Photo and Story By : Zetaw Zawn Dau