About InSIGHT Out!
The InSIGHT Out! project was started by a group of professional photojournalists after the 2004 Asian tsunami disaster to give young people a chance to document their community's recovery through their own stories.
InSIGHT OUT! trains refugee, migrant, low-income and at risk youth in different countries.
We want to share our program with youth in need and are available to work worldwide.
We partner with non-profit and community organizations and schools to organize workshops. Youth are trained in photography, editing and storytelling skills.
Youth are divided into teams and go out on assignments in their communities. Students review photos in class to critique technical and creative skills.
Participants are given journals or online platforms to write text about their photos.
Students build computer skills by learning to download and edit photos and use software programs such as i-Photo, i-Movie and Kids Blog.
Youth create their own photo frames from arts and crafts materials to showcase their work.
After each workshop, they invite family and friends to view their photos and stories. Selected youth speak at the exhibition, sharing their photos and writing. Edited slide shows are projected at the event. Students receive a certificate of completion for each workshop.
InSIGHT OUT! hosts a Youth Ambassadors program to encourage young people to represent issues in their communities by public speaking at exhibitions, giving media interviews and meetings with political or social leaders.
InSIGHT OUT! publishes magazines, calendars and postcards of photos and stories created by youth.