InsightOut! Workshop 2019
Karenni SehTowRoSchool FED 2019 And Jaw Ma Sat IDP Camps July 2019
Kachin Workshop in JawMaSat IDP Camps July 2018
InSIGHT OUT! Photo Storytelling project trains youth in conflict and post-disaster settings to express themselves through photography, writing and public events.
The project promotes youth leadership by amplifying their stories and voices in their communities. We train refugee, migrant and at risk youth in any country where we are invited to share our program.
InSIGHT OUT! encourages cross-cultural exchange in workshops by bringing together kids from diverse ethnic, racial and religious communities to shoot photos; create art; and make new friends.
Since 2005, we have organized workshops for over 1,000 youth and young adults in Burma/Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand and the United States.
Kachin Workshop in Bamaw IDP Camps, July 2017
The InSIGHT OUT! workshop was held in Bamaw from 9-16 July 2017. The training was based in the AD2000 IDP camp established in 2012 inside a Catholic Church compound.
InSIGHT OUT! partnered with the Burmese NGO, METTA Foundation to deliver a weeklong workshop for refugee youth in Bamaw, Kachin state.
Ongoing conflict in Kachin and Shan states has displaced thousands of villagers living as refugees within their own land in Burma. These internally displaced persons (IDPs) hoped to return home after a few months. Five years later, they continue to live in temporary camps established throughout the area.IDP youth are especially affected by the uncertain future.
Many of them have a family member who left the camp to seek work for survival.
Others have a parent working as a migrant laborer in villages along the China border nearby.’’
Host communities struggle to cope with the influx of new students from IDP camps without additional resources or teachers.
Students also struggle to focus on their education while facing serious social and economic challenges and instability within their families.
IDP youth are vulnerable to depression and low self-esteem.
InSIGHT OUT! aims to boost their confidence and give them a chance to explore their talents and express themselves through creative outlets.
METTA Foundation recruited 36 students from three IDP camps in Bamaw, AD2000 Kachin camp, Lisu Camp and Robert Camp. The students were 12 to 17-year-old Kachin and Lisu boys and girls.
Each trainer was assigned a group of 12 students who chose a name for their group. The groups included Cherry, MCK12 and Numrit.
Kachin Workshop 2016

InSIGHT Out! trains children and teenagers affected by conflict, natural disasters and socio-economic
discrimination to express themselves through photographs and stories.
InSIGHT Out! encourages cross-cultural exchange between youth from diverse ethnic, racial and religious communities.
InSIGHT Out! promotes leadership through youth presenting their photo stories at schools and exhibits.
InSIGHT Out! gives youth a fun experience while exploring their personal, community and cultural identity through storytelling.

Our workshops often bring together youth from divided or diverse communities to make
new friends and find common interests through storytelleing.
Phang-nga, Thailand: Thai-Muslim, Thai-Buddhist, indigenous Moken and Burmese migrant youth in villages recovering from the Asian tsunami and economic disparities. 2005-2008
Banda Aceh, Indonesia: youth displaced by both the tsunami disaster and the civil war. 2005-2006
Pattani, Narathiwat and Yala, Thailand: Muslim and Buddhist youth in the restive border provinces. 2008-2010
Koh Paynee, Thailand: youth from low-income fishermen families. 2007
Burma/Myanmar: children of former political prisoners and ethnic Kachin youth living in camps for internally displaced refugees. 2013-2015
Bronx, New York: teenagers aged out of foster care.2009
San Francisco, California: Latino children of migrant and refugee parents. 2011-2016
Jersey City, New Jersey: LGBTQ young adults in Jersey City. 2012
the Philippines: indigenous Kalinga youth in the Cordeillera mountains. 2013.

•Guide youth affected by social, political or economic challenges in creative expression through photography, writing and storytelling.
•Publish stories by youth in mainstream and online media and curate public exhibitions.
•Organize Youth Ambassadors to share their stories through public speaking at exhibitions and meeting civil society leaders.
Host an InSIGHT Out! Exhibition
Please let us know of any gallery interested in sponsoring an exhibition of our young people's photographs and writing.
We welcome donations of new or very good condition digital cameras, tablets or computers.